Have you ever tried searching for something globally using google.com or even google.com/NCR only to discover you are sent right back to this for example: google.co.uk instead of google.com..
I will now explain how to to stop this from happening assuming you are using Google Chrome Browser!
1. Go to settings in Google Chrome Browser.
2. Click on: Search Engine or copy and paste this in a new tab chrome://settings/searchEngines
3. Click Add Search Engine then copy and paste the information below:
Search engine
google ncr_
URL with %s in place of query
Please do note that this method is for people who use Google search to search globally instead of your country also it is good for research purposes too. You can switch back to your usual Google search engine anytime and if you use Google to search for local queries quite often then it would be advisable to disable or remove this option until needed again.